If you have been already unemployed, you may apply for unemployment benefits. It is the most convenient to apply for unemployment benefits online. Prepare unemployment application information at first, and then file unemployment claim to unemployment office online.
Requirements of unemployment application may be different in each state. Generally speaking, unemployment office will requires you to offer the following information:
The address, postcode and telephone number
Social Security number
Driver's license number
Your last boss' name, address and telephone number
Federal ID Number of your employer (from your wage stub or W2 form)
Beginning and ending dates of work
How much is your salary
Mother's maiden name (for security purposes)
You may be asked some questions by unemployment office, for instance, are you owed the salary on festivals or holidays? Why were you fired?
In order to apply for unemployment benefits, you need to create an account and password. Once you have filed unemployment claim, you can go to your account to apply for benefits weekly.
If you have any questions, please contact unemployment office.
United States Unemployment Offices List
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